Current Teaching

  • Winter 2018

    INFO 380: Information Systems Analysis and Design

    Prepares students to participate in structured systems analysis and design efforts. Students learn how to analyze system context, behavior, and structure; identify stakeholders; gather requirements; and redesign systems to make them more beneficial to the organization.

Teaching History

  • 2017 2016

    INFX 595: MS Information Management Capstone

    The Capstone experience involves identifying an information problem in a real-world setting and developing the means to address it in order to demonstrate students' mastery of the knowledge that they have gained through the course of the Masters of Information Management program.. Capstone projects can be research or design-oriented and solutions are typically an interactive end product that can be implemented and used.

  • 2015 2011

    INFO 360: Design Thinking

    Introduces design methods for identifying user needs, devising new design concepts, prototyping these concepts, and evaluating their utility and usability. Introduces the theory and practice of user-centered design. Examines methods for identifying users' needs, understanding users' behaviors, envisioning and prototyping new systems, and evaluating the usability of systems. Emphasis on incorporating people in the design process from initial field observations to summative usability testing.

  • 2015 2012

    INFO 200: Intellectual Foundations of Informatics

    Information as an object of study, including theories, concepts, and principles of information, information seeking, cognitive processing, knowledge representation and restructuring, and their relationships to physical and intellectual access to information. Development of information systems for storage, organization, and retrieval. Experience in the application of theories, concepts, and principles.

  • Spring 2013

    IMT 570: Analytic Methods for Information Professionals

    Sharpens critical thinking processes by studying and applying scientific methods to problem solving in the information management area. Provides a framework to resolve information management research problems, interpret research findings, and to understand the interaction among the various parts of the research process.

  • Fall 2012

    IMT 540: Design Methods for Interaction and System

    Introduction to the theory and practice of user-centered design. Examines design methods for identifying and describing user needs, specifying and prototyping new systems, and evaluating the usability of systems. Examines design methodologies such as contextual design and value-sensitive design, giving specific emphasis to human-information interaction